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Tune into Health

Remember the days of rabbit ear antennas on your television sets? If you were lucky enough to find the exact seating position in your living room to optimize your body’s own magnetic field and the tilt of the earth’s axis, these beauties could tune in your favorite show with the crystal clarity of a thick San Francisco fog.  If – heaven forbid – you wanted to tune to another channel, this required a coordinated, two-handed effort of spinning and rotating the antennas, the likes of which would rival even the most skilled of Olympic fencers.

The point here is that no matter what show you wanted to watch, you could pick it up on your set, but only if the antenna was functioning properly and only if it was aligned in the right position.  The signal was always in the air, but whether or not your show came in clearly depended upon the antenna’s ability to transfer the signal to your TV set.

For those of you struggling with your health, keep in mind that you always have the potential for improvement.  Your body was created by an intelligence that is unerring, infallible, and always on the job, and this intelligence is expressed through the body’s energetic meridian system.

Research shows that acupuncture can help with many more health problems other than just for pain and aches. The problem is usually not with the meridian system itself, but rather with the transmission of energy through the body.  Just like the old VHF signals being broadcast over the air, the energy is always present; the signal is always there.  Remaining healthy is a matter of transferring that signal as efficiently as possible to all parts of your body, and in this case your meridian system functions as the antenna.  The farther out of balance your system becomes, the weaker the signal gets. Bringing the meridians back into its proper balance allows for the signal to broadcast at full strength.

Imbalances choke off vital energy traveling throughout the body, but instead of a fuzzy picture, you get sciatic pain, headaches, asthma, fatigue, numbness, digestive disorders, allergies, chronic sickness, etc.

Acupuncture works by supporting and balancing the “signals” being broadcast by your body and laying the ground for optimum expression of health. Clearing the meridian system of imbalances allows the free flow of energy to every cell, organ, nerve, and tissue, resulting in crystal clear, HD reception and picture-perfect health. If you have been feeling under the weather, exhausted, tired or just plain worn down, it may be time for you to come in for a tune-up.

3 Indicators You Need a Tune-Up

Here is a list of three signs indicating that you should immediately come in for an acupuncture tune-up. Both your body and mind will thank you for getting tuned up as soon as possible.

Chronic Back and Neck Pain

If you experience chronic back and neck pain, it is highly recommended to come in and receive acupuncture. Back pain is one of the leading reasons that people seek out acupuncture. So if your neck or back are bothering you, it is time you sought out acupuncture.

Trouble Sleeping

Acupuncture is a great cure for those who have trouble sleeping. If you experience restlessness, tiredness or overall fatigue you should try acupuncture. Acupuncture improves the body’s functions and promotes overall health due to the needling of specific acupuncture points on the body. Try acupuncture to improve the sleep problems you are currently experiencing.

Digestive Problems

A healthy digestive system is important to living an active, healthy and worry-free lifestyle. In order to maintain a high-functioning digestive system it is important that the whole body has a smooth and consistent flow of energy. Acupuncture will help regulate this and promote a smooth flow throughout the entire body, in turn alleviating the symptoms of poor digestive function.


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Winter and your Kidneys


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, health is achieved by living in balance with nature and the seasons. Winter, the season of the Water Element, is the season for slowing down, reflecting, and conserving our resources. We all feel this tendency, but we don’t always listen to our bodies.  In Western culture, being active is rewarded and expected. We feel compelled to keep up the hectic pace that is typical in our daily lives.

This season is associated with the kidneys, bladder, and adrenal glands and the time of year when these organs are most active, accessible, and even vulnerable. They are more receptive to being restored, nurtured, and energized. At the same time, it is also when they can become easily depleted.

According to Chinese medicine, our kidneys receive a specific amount of energy at the time of our conception that will carry each of us through our lives, called Jing Qi.  Imagine for a minute that our kidneys are like batteries. Batteries that have come from the shop with a limited amount of charge. These unfortunately are not the rechargeable types of batteries. Jing Qi is the energy stored in our kidney batteries. Our body and mind pull from this reserve in times of change, healing, and stress. Every action we take draws on this power supply.

Some people can easily deplete their Jing Qi due to poor lifestyle choices and extreme stress.  Others preserve it by nurturing it with the right foods and behaviors. Jing Qi is finite. The more we use it, the less we will have for necessary body functioning. Every day our kidneys filter blood and other body fluids, remove toxins from the liver, and our bladder collects, processes and excretes these liquids through the urine.

There are ways we can preserve our Jing Qi. In addition to Jing Qi, we operate on renewable sources of energy. The spleen makes Qi (vital life force) for us out of the food we eat, and the lungs bring us Qi from the air.  We will have less need to draw on our Jing Qi and be healthier and more energetic as we eat, rest and breathe better and do Qi Gong to replenish our renewable sources of energy.

Keep in mind, stimulants such as caffeine deplete the kidneys, and rob us of our ability to know how we really feel.  If our body is in need of rest and sleep, caffeine consumption will make us unaware of this fact, thus causing us to ignore our body’s needs.  This can then contribute to the unnecessary depletion of our Jing Qi.

In order to maintain and cultivate health, it is important to nurture and nourish our kidney energy. Now is the perfect time to recharge your internal kidney batteries. Acupuncture, yoga, Tai Chi, quiet reflection, meditation, simple walks, and herbs are wonderful ways to recharge and energize!

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Chinese Medicine for COVID-19

In December 2019, an outbreak of a new strain of a pneumonia-like virus had occurred in Wuhan, China and by January 7th, 2020 a new case of coronavirus (also known as SARS-CoV-2) had been confirmed.

Since then, the world’s scientists have been working hard to understand this virus, how it spreads and what precautions and preventive measures can be taken to slow (and even stop) the spread of this illness.

We have been reading through published research papers related to the treatment of COVID-19 using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and have come across some helpful information you can use to try and combat COVID-19 should you catch it.


Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Patients Infected with 2019-New Coronavirus:

The above mentioned paper involved research on finding a treatment of SARS-Cov-2 through Traditional Chinese Medicine which was said to be inspired by the treatment methods used during the SARS outbreak in the 2002 Guangdong Province of China (which later spread drastically in 2003). From those studies, there was compelling evidence that supported the notion that TCM had beneficial effects of SARS treatment.

During the 2002/2003 SARS cases, a dramatic decrease in the percentage of SARS-related deaths occurred once TCM was introduced as a supplemental treatment method in comparison to the conventional method that was being used at the time.

During the SARS outbreak, it was reported that there were over 1,000 volunteers including 926 hospital workers and over 30 laboratory technicians working in high-risk virus laboratories using a TCM herbal extract that had “… resulted in marked improvement of symptoms and shortened the disease course.”

Fast forward to present day with the 2020 SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic. The National Health Commission (NHC) for the People’s Republic of China reported that over 60,000 confirmed COVID-19 patients (nearly 85% of the total confirmed cases) had successfully been treated with a combination of TCM and conventional medicine.

With this information, and more cases being treated with TCM, the NHC has published documents stating that Traditional Chinese Medicine is a recommended treatment of COVID-19 based on symptom differentiation and the stage of the disease.

The NHC recommends TCM for both preventative care of the virus, as well as to help the recipient through their illness should they contract it.


Before you make a list of items to get at your next outing for the following recipes, keep in mind that herbs are considered a powerful medicine and that they should be consumed and used only after consulting a professional, especially if a serious illness is involved.

Yin Qiao San: Fructus Forsythiae, Flos Lonicerae, Radix Platycodonis, Herba Menthae, Herba Lophatheri, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Herba Schizonepetae, Fermented soybean, Fructus arctii, and Rhizoma Phragmitis

Shuang Huang Lian: Lonicera japonica, Scutellaria baicalensis, and Forsythia suspensa

Sang Ju Yin and Yu Ping Feng San: Sang Ju Yin [made with chrysanthemum, mulberry leaf, and 6 other herbs] and Yu Ping Feng San


For more information on how to best navigate the COVID-19 Pandemic, follow us on social media and stay up-to-date on our blog! If you have questions about acupuncture and coronavirus, reach out to us to schedule an appointment!


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How Movement May Prevent COVID-19

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 (also known as the coronavirus or the SARS-Cov-2) in December 2019, the world has been working together to not only find a cure for this wretched disease, but to also find ways to best combat it or even prevent one from being a recipient of it.

We have been reading through published research papers related to the treatment of COVID-19 using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and have come across some helpful information you can use to try and combat COVID-19 should you catch it.

Physical exercise as therapy to fight against the mental and physical consequences of COVID-19 quarantine:
In the above mentioned paper, the importance of maintaining physical activity (PA) in your daily routine despite being in quarantine throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic is discussed.

A quarantine was obviously the best choice in order to stop the rapid spread of infection and become more prepared for how to handle this unexpected Pandemic, however, finding ways to adapt and overcome the change in routine in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle is still important.

The paper states that “initiating a sudden quarantine state implies a radical change in the lifestyle of the population.” It also states that in order to “…counteract the negative consequences of certain diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, CVD, respiratory diseases, or even simply to guarantee an active aging by reducing the risk of frailty, sarcopenia and dementia, as associated diseases in older people, [physical activity must stay consistent].”

Exercise is important for all, but this paper focuses heavily on those who are at higher risk by being immunocompromised and even of the elderly generation as exercise in older people prevents faulty and positively impacts them.


This paper suggests that for those who are still stuck as home and/or have had to extend their quarantine, to find a well-regimented exercise regime that can help the individual maintain an active lifestyle in order to stay healthy and best combat this virus.

Recommended Movement Guidelines
As stated in the study, the following is recommended if the individual is under quarantine:

Weekly exercise: 200-400 minutes of exercise per week (being spread out over the course of 5-7 days to “compensate for the decrease in normal daily PA levels).”

Of those required days, 2 days of resistance training is combined with 3+ days of aerobic training.

There are many reasons that exercise is recommended when it comes to nurturing a healthy immune system. The most important reason involves your body temperature. As you workout, your body temperature rises during and after exercise which helps to prevent bacteria from growing, thus helping to fight infection. Physical activity also helps flush out bacteria from your lungs and even slows the release of stress hormones.

Acupressure for Better   
Chingling, Weiling: Pressing on these points release tension from the legs which makes it easier to stretch them out. To effectively use this acupressure point, slide the middle and index fingers down the back of the other hand (towards your wrist) and move along the spaces to the outside of the middle two fingers. These points help to release tension out of the legs making it easier to stretch the legs out.

Gallbladder 34 (yang ling quan): This point is specifically used to relax the tendons and ligaments within your body. It is located on the outer aspect of the lower leg, in the depression in front of and below the head of the fibula. Gallbladder 34 is the command point of the joints and sinews, which makes it a great choice for relieving pain, especially in the lower extremities.  It is also used to address hemiplegia, lateral costal pain, bitter taste in the mouth, vomiting and jaundice. This point relieves hip and ankle pain, thus allowing you to move more freely.

Bladder 57 (cheng shan): This point relaxes and strengthens the lower back, Relaxes the sinews, invigorates blood, clears heat and even removes obstructions from the channel. This point responds well to strong deep pressing movement when applying pressure.

Overall, movement is medicine! It helps keep us healthy and moving throughout our day-to-day life. If you have questions or want to schedule an appointment regarding acupuncture for mobility, reach out to us!


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Balance Your Body- Stave off COVID-19

If you feel like you’re battling frequent colds, a cough that won’t quit, or just seem to be tired all the time, it may benefit you to find time for a daily walk or simple exercise routine. Doing this a few times per week can have many health benefits and help build your immune system.

Viruses such as COVID-19 take hold in our bodies when our immune systems are at their weakest points. Below are a few ways to help increase your immune function so your body can function as it’s meant to and stay balanced!
Overindulging on Alcohol

If you drink everyday, or frequently, you may notice that you are more susceptible to catching colds and drinking is shown to dramatically impair the immune system.  If you have a hard time refraining from drinking, these self-massaging acupuncture points help the body release toxins, control cravings and become more grounded.


Liver 3: Located on the top of the foot. Start in the space between the big toe and the second toe, now walk your fingers back along that depression onto the top of your foot until you run into a bone and you can’t go any further. This is Liver 3. It helps to balance the liver energy of the body, and helps reduce stress.


Large Intestine 11: Located on the lateral elbow, at the end of the elbow crease. Large Intestine 11 clears toxins from the body, as well as releasing heat. It also balances digestion and helps to regulate body temperature.

Excessive Sugar Intake
When you look at a nutrition label, what’s the first ingredient you look for? For many of us, we’ve been trained to look for the calorie count per serving, but did you know that The American Heart Association recommends that we limit our sugar intake too?

The AHA suggests that men eat less than 36 grams (9 tsp) of sugar per day and that women have no more than 24 grams (6 tsp). To add perspective, the average person eats nearly 15 teaspoons of sugar each day (that’s almost double the recommended amount)!

Why is the consumption of sugar an issue? When we consume sugar, our bodies break it down and become inflamed. This decreases our immunity because it weakens the white blood cells ability to fight off infection!

If you have a sweet tooth and want to make a sweet treat that also optimizes your immune function, try making this TCM herbal tea below:
• 4 cups water
• 3 tsp dried thyme

  • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 2 tbsp raw honeyAdd all ingredients to a pot and bring to a low boil and then simmer for around 10 minutes. Once it’s done simmering, turn on low heat, stir in honey and then pour through a strainer. Enjoy!

Immune function has never been more important. If balancing your body is now a priority to you, schedule an appointment with us so we can create an individualized acupuncture plan just for you to help keep your immune system in tip-top shape!

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